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Using the Kodály Approach to

music across the primary school.


Liz has been using this approach in primary schools across Cheshire for the last 14 years. There are many benefits to this progressive approach over and above the expected improvement in children's musical abilities.


The nature of the approach allows for an all-encompassing, cross-curricular musical primary school. As the entire school follows the same approach there is a clear progression from year group to year group, something OFSTED is particularly looking for.


The approach involves doing everything first through songs and rhymes and as children's abilities develop steps are taken to draw out the concepts they have learnt and how to use them, write them and read them.


Want to see the Kodály Approach in action? Contact Liz to arrange a day to visit her schools and see her teaching.

Weekly sessions teaching the curriculum

Weekly sessions can be run in a number of ways. Firstly, Liz would visit once a week, teach a class, or all classes and leave. Secondly Liz would visit once a week and teach alongside the class teacher as CPD and give them things to do in between. This could be done on a rota across a school instead of weekly for all classes.

Training for staff

Training is available in the form of team-teaching, after school twilight sessions, staff meetings and full day INSETs and year long projects.


Check out the Workshop page.

One off or semi regular sessions

Liz can visit schools for full day or half day visits. 

These can be to model music lessons for staff, to teach new games, songs and rhymes to your pupils (this could be combined with a twilight on how to use them).

Liz can work alongside music coordinators to support the music across a primary school and tailor any support.

Year long projects supporting the curriculum and staff CPD are also available. 

Get in touch...


07738 084 719

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